Sunday, December 27, 2009

First birthday

It's hard to believe that Blaise's first birthday is Friday. To be honest, we have a lot of baggage surrounding her birthday. We heard the word "if" used in conjunction with "her first birthday" a time or two and that makes an impression. The day she was born was also extremely difficult for us in a lot of ways and much of the emotional weight of any traumatic or difficult circumstance tends to bubble up on anniversaries. So we're just planning to lay low and hang out with our big girl on her birthday. We'll have cake and a party later, but for that day, we're looking forward to a quiet family time.

We would, however, like to presume to ask you for a birthday gift. The very first birthday present Blaise ever received was from an anonymous stranger and it is no exaggeration to say that it saved her life. Someone took the time out of their day to give blood, not knowing who would get it or what good it would do. We are forever grateful to that person. Please, if you are physically able to, donate blood this week or next. It costs you nothing but half an hour and a little needle stick but to someone else, it will be more valuable than anything else. Thank you.

And now back to our regularly scheduled program of cute baby photos.

1 comment:

vicki said...

I understand the uneasiness of the holidays. As each one passes and new memories are made the easier the holidays will become. You might even look forward to them! Even though I missed my opportunity to meet her in person; her pictures and your stories have brought much joy my way. God bless our little miracle and the year of joy she has brought to so many of us.