Saturday, March 7, 2009

At least it was for a good cause

I had this plan before going on the radio yesterday that I would be totally calm and collected. I would talk intelligently about how Children's has saved Blaise's life and how grateful we are to Dr. Weldon, her surgeon, Dr. Duggan, the GI nutrition specialist, Dr. Puder, for Omegaven and all of her nurses, who are somehow as good at the end of a 12-hour shift as they were at the beginning. Listeners were going to say "Wow, what an amazing story and what a great hospital! I'll call and give money!"

Instead, I cried. On the radio. While talking to Gregg the DJ. (At least it wasn't Fast Freddy.) I made Sue the DJ cry. According to their comment on the blog yesterday, I also made the Brogan family cry. Maybe I made a whole lot of radio listeners cry, too and they said to themselves, "Oh, that poor woman and her poor little baby! I'll call and give money!" So, different means, but the same end.

Ben's parents are here this weekend, bearing more cute baby clothes. The weather is really nice, and we might take Blaise out to the garden today. She's never been outside before, so we'll see how she likes it. My guess: she'll either sleep through it or cry. Because that's what new babies do.

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