How early is too early to start a brag sheet on your kid? Here are the profile shots from our 20 week ultrasound. I've labeled the key landmarks on the first one. Cute little one, huh?
Blaise was born January 1, 2009, at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Because of a giant cyst, her small intestine twisted on itself in utero, cutting off its blood supply and causing most of it to die. Blaise has 45 cm of small bowel, including her terminal ileum, an ileo-cecal valve and a complete large intestine. Because she lost so much of her small intestine, she has a diagnosis of short bowel syndrome (a.k.a., short gut). She came off TPN/Omegaven after 5 months and stopped tube feeds at 15 months. She spent her first 148 days as an inpatient at Children's Hospital Boston and was welcomed home May 28, 2009.
More importantly, Blaise is smart, tough and fun. We brag about her shamelessly, but we have a lot to brag about.